This is my speech when I joined THE PROVINCIAL LEVEL ENGLISH SPEECH CONTEST 29th July 2010 in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. I represented Takengon and got the 4th place in that contest.

Praise and graduate be upon to Allah S.W.T, having mercy upon all people on the earth, the Lord of universe who has given the inspiration and blesses to us so we can stay in this simple but peaceful place.
Peace and salutation be upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW, his household, and his faithful followers who strive in our religion of Islam. Who brought us from the darkness to the lightness.
v Honorable my be loved adjudicators of speech contest
v Honorable my be loved the audiences
v Honorable my be loved master of ceremony for giving me valuable chance, so that I can speak in front of Muslim Audience. I take this great opportunity to deliver a speech under the title: TO CREATE ACEH FREE FROM PORNOGRAPHY AND DRUGS.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!!!!

I would like to start MY speech with the definition of pornography and drugs. Based on Oxford dictionary, pornography means an act to describe or show naked people and sexual acts in order to make people feel sexuality excited, especially in a way that many other people find offensive. Moreover, Drugs is any substance having psychological effects.

Dear my beloved audiences !
actually the problem of pornography and drugs have been described in holy Al-Qur'an . Allah said that:
“O you who believe! Wine and the game of hazard and idols and divining arrows are only an abomination of Satan’s handiwork. So shun each one of them that you may prosper.”

“On those who believe and do good works there shall be no sin for what they eat, provided they fear God and believe and do good works, and again fear God and do good and Allah loves those who do good.”

Dear ladies and gentlemen!!!!
from the sentences of Al-Qur’an above we can take a note that Pornography and Drug is forbidden for Muslim. Because those sentences have described that Allah loves people who do good while drugs and pornography is not good things.  but, the problem is, why it's forbidden? The answer is because it has many negative effects especially to our mental and physical health. Drugs essentially are poisons. The degree they are taken determines the effect. A small amount gives a stimulant (increases activity). A greater amount acts as a sedative (suppresses activity). A larger amount acts as a poison and can kill us. When a person uses a drug such as marijuana, peyote, opium, morphine or heroin, mental image pictures of past times “turn on” beyond the individual’s conscious awareness, causing him to perceive something different than what is actually going on. He can be dangerous for everyone around him at this time when he doesn’t aware of his environment.
  The effects of the drugs that get into bloodstream by using injection tend to be faster and more intense.
Once the drug is in the blood, it immediately access to the brain. There’s a blood brain barrier that keeps many substances out of brain, but the drugs we concerned with here are able to go through that barrier with little difficulty which cause the brain damage. 
When the drug is used continuously, the user will feel addicted. In addiction, it will lead to physical and psychological disorders, due to the occurrence of damage to the central nervous system (CNS) and organs like heart, lungs, liver and kidney. this problem will create Indonesian people moreover Aceh's youth to get mental retardation and brain damage.

Dear my beloved Brothers and Sisters!!!
What about the harm of the pornography? the more pornography these individuals access, the higher the risk of their acting out what they see, including sexual assault, rape, and child molestation.
The habitual consumption of pornography can result in a diminished satisfaction with mild forms of pornography and a correspondingly strong desire for more deviant and violent material.
As more and more children are exposed not only to soft-core pornography, but also to explicit deviant sexual material, they are learning an extremely dangerous message from pornographers; sex without responsibility is acceptable and desirable and of course, that is a wrong assumption. Another obvious result of children involved in adult sexual activity is the increased rate of pregnancy among teenagers.

we have known the negative effects of drugs and pornography!!! so, what we have to do to make Aceh's Youth free from Drugs and pornography? There are many things that we can do to save our young generation from drugs and Pornography:

First, each parent have to tell the children about religion. Parents also have to tell them that drugs and pornography do not give any advantage and it is forbidden in our religion.
Then the next thing we can do is to provide immediate action when we see people doing bad thing like taking drugs and doing pornography. as proverbial says that "faster is better" Prophet Muhammad convey through his saying to us narrated by Bukhari  and Muslim: “anyone who sees the crime, must prevent it by hand or if he can not do that, he must prevent it by speech, if he can not verbally prevent them then he could prevent it by heart and it is the weakest of faith.”

To create Aceh to become a powerful province, we need to prepare the next generation who have good intelligence and strong faith to God. To make it happens, The Government should impose penalties for the consumers of drugs. Governments must create severe punishments for the perpetrators, it is necessary to give the death penalty, so that the actors have a deterrent effect and no longer perform their actions.

well Dear my beloved brothers and sisters!!!!
before I close my speech I just would like to say as summary that to create Aceh's youth that free from pornograpy and drugs we have to involve Family, society and government to prevent such things. Thank you very much for this opportunity and I say ASSALAMUALAIKUM...

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